
Report. Dictate. Authorise Anytime, Anywhere

Our dynamic solution transforms your reporting workflow, allowing radiologists to dictate, authorize, and generate reports flexibly. Deliver medical reports promptly and efficiently, regardless of your location.

Seamless Integrations with your favourite tools

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Report the way you want

Seamless Dictation with Philips SpeechMike Integration.

Utilize the Philips SpeechMike for direct dictation into the RIS, ensuring a smooth workflow even in the event of a PC crash, thanks to built-in crash protection. Send dictations to local or remote typists for real-time report generation, enhancing efficiency and speed in delivering vital radiological insights.

Choose Your Preferred Voice Recognition Engine.

Leverage our built-in voice recognition technology or integrate your preferred engine like Dragon Medical One or 3MTM M*Modal Fluency Direct. This flexibility allows for swift report generation without the need for typists, ensuring instant report delivery for faster turnaround and improved patient care.

Intuitive workflows, designed around the way you actually work

Access essential patient details, comments, alerts, prior reports, worksheets, attachments, and images effortlessly from a unified location, requiring just a few clicks.

Key reporting features

Auto load next case

Choose your desired cases from the configured worklist drop-down. High-priority cases are automatically loaded as they arrive, eliminating the need to return to the list and ensuring prompt attention.


Enable multiple radiologists to report from the same pool of cases. Real-time updates ensure cases are promptly assigned to the radiologist as they begin dictating, promoting a collaborative and efficient workflow.

Quick view

Access all essential patient information in one consolidated view, accelerating patient management and decision-making.

Delayed authorising

Add a time delay for report authorization, providing an opportunity to revisit and edit reports before delivery, ensuring accuracy and satisfaction.

Ready to get started? Get in touch

Embark on your clinic’s journey with QUBS to redefine reporting and optimize workflow. For a tailored solution, reach out to us, and let’s craft a custom package suited to your practice.


Integrated and extend QUBS with your favourite apps.

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Business Intelligence

Beautiful reports that show you how all your clinics are performing

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